Fleet Software

The French Oceanographic Fleet offers training for the various software applications it develops, maintains and distributes.

Real-time software tools required for undertaking missions. These concern principally the acquisition and visualization of data acquired at sea by ships and submersibles (TECHSAS NG), as well as the automatic and manual logging of events (CASINO+ logbook). Ces outils logiciels sont installés à bord du navire et intéressent les opérateurs du navire ainsi que les scientifiques embarqués.

These tools are installed on the ship and are of interest to ship operators and shipboard scientists.

Non-real-time software tools required for the post-processing of data acquired at sea by ships and submersibles. These concern the software suite GLOBE for processing acoustic data, SonarScope for diagnosing echo-sounder performance, ADELIE for processing the data from submersibles and HERMES/MOVIES3D for acquiring and processing data from fishery echo sounders. These software tools are installed on the ship and are of interest to shipboard scientists.

These pieces of software are available under Open Source licence from the Fleet’s website.