Mobile equipments

SMT seismic source towed  to the back of L’Atalante

Seismic systems

Explore the oceanic crust at depths ranging from several metres to several kilometres

électrode sparker (peigne de 100 brins) au moment de l’émission, lors d’essais en bassin

SPARKER source

High-resolution seismic source 

Penetrometer Penfeld

Geotechnical measuring device

Towed sub-bottom profiler Pesk-Avel

Pesk-Avel (Breton for “surface fish”) is a towed sub-bottom profiler


Submersible Camera SCAMPI

Photo and video imaging of the sea bottom

Clean Winch

Clean Winch

Analyse seawater composition for trace metals


Measure the magnetic field locally


Banc MSCL et conteneur Isotope