
FishView functionnalities are:

  • Import data from fishery research cruises.
  • Display data in “shapefile” layers.
  • Process data: filtering and aggregating.
  • Generate maps via the QGIS map composer.

Data sources managed by the tool are:

  • Events sourced from the CASINO electronic logbook: These events are linked to the fishing gear and sensors used for the cruise, and include trawl tracks, completed stations and any other observation logged by members of the scientific team.

The data is held in a MySQL database.

  • Data from MARPORT sensors: These sensors describe the position and shape of the trawl during a run. Data is generated in the NetCDF format by the ship’s acquisition unit.
  • Information from the sorting room entered into the Allegro application: Such information describes the species comprising the schools and their biological parameters. A .csv file exported from Allegro summarizes all the data generated from each trawl run.

FishView uses this data to generate a set of shapefile layers and applies to it a special symbology:

  • Ship navigation.
  • Trawl tracks.
  • Operations undertaken during stations.
  • Trawl shape in graphic form.
  • Pie charts showing the distribution of the species caught during a run, according to the number of individuals or weight.
  • Division of data into homogenous classes for a given species.

These functions enable the user to quickly and easily summarize on a map the information collected during the cruise. The following examples show how data from a bottom-trawling cruise is displayed (IBTS, International Bottom Trawl Survey).