FOF Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is chaired by the Research Ministry. It is made up a CNRS representative, an IRD representative, an Ifremer representative as well as a marine universities representative, (marine universities network).

On the initiative of the various actors, it will be possible to complete the composition of the committee according to subsequent developments.

The main role of the steering committee is, on the proposal of the fleet management, to:

  • examine and validate the programming of the fleet built according to the program specifications,
  • examine and validate the associated budget,
  • review and approve the implementation carried out during the programming and budget year.

In addition, it examines and validates the annual investment program proposed by the fleet management.

It requests the fleet management to develop, and then examines and validates the fleet development plan and all the structuring operations associated.

To this end, the steering committee establishes, if needed, dedicated working groups to enlighten its decisions. It may also set up monitoring groups for technical change projects decided on its own initiative.

The Steering Committee will examine any necessary modifications to the indicators of the fleet scheduling specifications.

The opinions of the committee are taken unanimously among the various members. The scheduling and budget approved by the steering committee constitute the dedicated budget included in Ifremer budget.

The chair of the committee (Ministry of Research) is invited to Ifremer Board of Directors where he reports on the committee's positions. The ministry in charge of research, as commissioner of the government for Ifremer, supervises the process.

The steering committee meetings are prepared in advance by a so-called "preparatory" meeting, chaired by the ministry and bringing together the representatives of the various members of the steering committee and the chair of committees (CNFH and CNFC), where the fleet management presents its propositions. In order to ensure a process of review and validation of open and transparent programming, this preparatory meeting takes place at least one month before the meeting of the Steering Committee for validation of the programming project and associated budget. The opinion of the steering committee expressed during the preparatory meeting is taken into account by the fleet management to finalize the programming and associated budget projects, before submission to the steering committee.

The Chairs of the Commissions are invited as permanent advisory members of the preparatory meetings of the FOF Governing Board. They are also invited in a consultative capacity for meetings of the Steering Committee for debates on programming or for matters falling within their competence.

The chair of the steering committee invites the chair of the Scientific Advisory Board, if the agenda so justifies.

Steering Committee members
  1. MESRI : Jean-Marie Flaud. Chairman
  2. Ifremer : François Houllier
  3. IRD : Frédéric Ménard
  4. CNRS-INSU : Nicolas Arnaud
  5. Universités marines : François Lallier

Guest members

  1. Chairmen of national Fleet committees: Benoît Ildefonse, Dominique Lefèvre
  2. Ifremer : Olivier Lefort, Pascal Morin