Medical aptitude


Medical aptitude for embarkation

All people sailing with an oceanographic research ship must first acquaint themselves with the information concerning health and embarkation (French version)   (English version ).

If no medical aptitude sheet is forthcoming at the time of embarkation, that person cannot embark..

For people who do not work for IFREMER, medical aptitude for embarkation can be established by their occupational health physician or GP after acquainting themselves with the aptitude conditions (decree dated 16 April 1986, JORF dated 4 May 1986 page 6013).

For IFREMER’s salaried employees the medical aptitude for embarkation certificate is delivered by their occupational physician.

questionnaire on their medical history (French and English version) must be submitted to the captain upon embarkation in a sealed envelope. It can be opened when needed by the ship’s physician or the captain himself in the case of a remote consultation.

It is up to the mission leader to submit to the captain of the vessel upon embarkation in a single folder all the medical aptitude certificates and the questionnaires of the team embarked under his responsibility.


  • Military personnel called to serve on ships of the French Oceanographic Fleet can produce their aptitude certificate delivered by the French Navy.
  • This procedure does not apply to international observers who can embark at the last minute and who are solely under the responsibility of their country of origin.
  • Information for examining physicians is available in the  Recommendations relating to contraindicating embarkation aboard ship, for personnel who are not professional mariners (French version, English version ).
  • For reasons of medical assistance, pregnant women, whatever the progress of their pregnancy, can not board the ships of the Fleet.
  • In case of food intolerance or special diet, please contact at the earliest (at least 4 months before boarding) the DFO (

Diving in manned submersibles


  • All people embarking on a deep-sea oceanographic vessel must submit to the ship’s captain in a sealed envelope an aptitude for embarkation certificate and fill in the medical history questionnaire.
  • Any person expected to dive in a manned submersible must submit a medical certificate from an occupational physician, as per the decree dated 19 March 1993.

This certificate is to be submitted to the ship’s captain. The captain, in connection with the person responsible for the submersible, can only authorize diving for persons having submitted their certificate.

For international personnel the certificate from an occupational physician is not obligatory, one from a GP being acceptable, as per the decreed dated 16 April 1986.